"Singles for Christ": Manggahan Chapter
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Hi my name is Michael and I'm a member of Singles for Christ. This page is mainly about our activities in SFC and the stuff that we do in and out of "service" to the Lord. I hope you have fun viewing the site. Please jot down some of your thoughts in the guestbook. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. =)

-->Sorry the site wasn't updated requently. There were so many things I was busy with. I was also having some personal problems. Thanks for all of those who prayed for me.=)

-->Prayers would also be welcome for the CLP that is going to start at Santolan Kiddie School this coming august. As well as the Conference going to be held in Olonggapo. God bless!<--

Listing of Site Updates

Here is the history of this site so far:

05/31/01 --> started working on the site; the homepage was made

07/03/01 --> added guestbook; sorry for the long wait in the upgrading of the site; still under construction

07/29/01 --> the site is now member of a webring; guestbook is active; Lot's of links added; sorry for the long wait

08/01/01 -->changed e-mail to forward to hotmail account; few changes in text; edited what's new page; changed pop-up banner; added links

08/01/01 -->added pictures of sportsfest and fellowship>

08/18/01 -->pictures of choir practice and I added something in the guestbook, look it up pls.; also added something in the About Page tungkol sa mga Unit Heads

04/30/02 --> went through several conferences and the site still isn't updated; changed the mailing address and added new opening message. Also added Activities page.

02/11/05 --> I finally did some changes to this site! After 3 years! Nothing noticable though. Hehehe. did some changes in About SFC.

"fide et amore"
faith and love

Comments and Suggestions
If you have any ideas on how to improve this site or have any questions about our chapter and stuff about Singles, feel free to e-mail me.
Send me an E-mail

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This is a good SFC page.

CFC Singles For Christ
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