The Links below are Catholic Sites worth Looking at.
This sites are Inspirational. Some of them allow you to post prayer requests or view relevant informaiton related to the faith. Some are very informational.

Visit this page every so often since I will be adding more links in the future.
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Favorite Sites
ClearLight Catholic Homephage
Offers Downloads of Prayerbooks and Catechism and Links to other Catholic Pages
EPrayer Daily Devotionals
You can post prayer requests here and subscribe ot their mailing list.
Inofrmation on the Saints and Their Feastdays
Lord of Hosts
Nice Page with Good Thoughts
Daughters of Paul
Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Catholic Apologetics on the Internet
Says it all in the title
Christian Art and Links
Singles For Christ
A Singles for Christ homepage
The Other Site
A site by Ceejay