Listing of Site Updates
Here is the history of this site so far:
05/31/01 --> started working on the site; the homepage was made
07/03/01 --> added guestbook; sorry for the long wait in the upgrading of the site; still under construction
07/29/01 --> the site is now member of a webring; guestbook is active; Lot's of links added; sorry for the long wait
08/01/01 -->changed e-mail to forward to hotmail account; few changes in text; edited what's new page; changed pop-up banner; added links
08/01/01 -->added pictures of sportsfest and fellowship>
08/18/01 -->pictures of choir practice and I added something in the guestbook, look it up pls.; also added something in the About Page tungkol sa mga Unit Heads
04/30/02 --> went through several conferences and the site still isn't updated; changed the mailing address and added new opening message. Also added Activities page.
02/11/05 --> I finally did some changes to this site! After 3 years! Nothing noticable though. Hehehe. did some changes in About SFC.
"fide et amore"
faith and love |
Comments and Suggestions
If you have any ideas on how to improve this site or have any questions about our chapter and stuff about Singles, feel free to e-mail me.
Send me an E-mail
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This is a good SFC page.